Incorporating various stone wall features such as wall ends, tops and stairs into a wall extend the usefulness of the wall and provided added beauty and interest.

Stone Wall Ends

stone-wall-endRetaining walls eventually meet up with the surrounding grades. One option to end the wall is to curve or turn it into the grade so that a smooth, gradual slope can be used to marry the upper and lower grades.

If you desire a more prominent feature, and the grading allows, an exposed corner can be used. This requires the corner’s three sides be faced and the wall end become a free standing component.

Stone Stairs

granite stairsWhen considering steps or stairs, usage and design intent need to be considered. If the stairs are to be used frequently, they should be no less than 4’ wide in order to provide safe passage for two people at a time. Local building codes may also dictate step design and construction as well as railing requirements. Additionally, a stairs’ material needs to withstand the snow and ice that comes with New England winters.

Without the requirements of heavy traffic flow, designing stairs can have endless possibilities. Steps can be straight or curved and be constructed from a variety of stone materials. Stairs can be constructed to blend into the existing landscape or wall, or designed to draw attention by using contrasting materials or stone colors.

Stone Wall Tops

stone wall topsAnother major finish of any stone wall is its top. Typically, the stone used in the wall carries through to the top creating a simple natural stone top. To dramatically change the look of a wall, cap stones, such as cut granite or bluestone or broken pieces of fieldstone, can be used.

Call us today at 603-279-6466 to learn how we can enhance your property with our rock wall construction and excavation services.